Take control of the situation with ACTUAL
Emergency Preparedness and Communication in the palm of your hand.
Why Now?
- 4 in 10 Americans fear being a victim of a mass shooting
- 54% feel there is a need to increase security measures at events
- 1 in 4 have safety concerns when attending an event at a sports arena / stadium
- Natural and human caused incidents are on the rise in both volume and severity.
- Venues, events and public spaces are increasingly being held to a higher expectation of duty of care.
- Making critical decisions means knowing what to do in advance and having the right people connected at the right time.
- Bandwidth within these environments is getting more impeded which creates havoc for the first responders, management and security.
- Event organizers and promoters are in need of analytics to guide better data-driven decisions to anticipate issues.

- Risk: Preparation
- Threat: Prevention
- Harm: Protection

The Online Portal Solution
- Create Account
- Threat Assessment
- Establish Response Protocols

Actual Live App iOS and Android
- Initiate and Receive Emergency Notifications
- Protocol Alerts and Drills
- Crowd Source Intel-Geolocated Photo and Video
ACTUAL Live and FirstNet
ACTUAL Live has been approved and is now “Listed” within the Firstnet App Catalog. Firstnet is an independent authority within US Department of Commerce along with AT&T.
Authorized by Congress in 2012 its mission is to build and operate the nationwide broadband network that equips first responders to save lives and protect US communities.
Bandwidth at major live events is a serious issue and now the venues, promoters, staff, security and first responders can use the Actual Live app and communicate as an interdependent group unimpeded.